By-product in the production of brewery have a large number of wet brewers grain, but wet brewers grain perishable, and it will pollute environmental in transport and storage, in recent years, a number of breweries began to carry out further processing for by-products of beer, which can not only reduce environmental pollution, but also increase economic efficiency, brewers grain dryer can quickly Reduce the brewers grain of 85% moisture content to 10% water content, at the current this Brewers Grain Drying Machine equipment that has been put into use in number of beer companies, feed manufacturers in our country, and create considerable economic benefits. Brewers grain dryer is mainly composed by heating system, feeder, feeding machine, rotary drum, discharging part, induced draft fan, unloader and distribution cabinet; dewatered wet brewer's grain go into the dryer, fliped by drum cloth copy in both board flip, is evenly distributed in the dryer and full access with hot air to speed up the drying speed and mass transfer. In the drying process, the brewers grain is effected by the copy board has a gradient and heat under medium to another section of the dryer to discharge finished product by the exhaust discharge valve.
features of brewers grain drying equipment
1. Good uniformity of product drying.
2. Good structural, simple, low resistance when material running smoothly through the tube, convenient operation.
3. Less fault, low power consumption, low maintenance costs.
4. High degree of mechanization, large production capacity, continuous operation.