These rotary drum dryers feature single and multi-pass technology that moves materials through the drum in an air stream created by the rotary drum dryer induced-draft fan. The multiple passes are mechanically interlocked to rotate at the same speed. As the drum rotates, the product is repeatedly showed into the dryer hot gas.
These rotary dryers can be fired by any conventional fuel system, but there is a remarkable advantage in using a solid fuel system. These solid fuel systems can operate on a number of alternative fuel materials (bagasse, charcoal, coal, corn, corncobs, dried peat moss, dried wood chips, horse manure, paper, sawdust, shavings, thermoplastics, thermosetting plastics, wood flour, wood waste, etc.), reducing fuel cost to a fraction of that of conventional fuel. Combustible materials being dried can be routed to a solid fuel burner and provide an energy source for the dryer. This concept is called closed loop drying..